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1st Tuesday @ 5:30 PM

2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursday at 7:30 AM

5th Thursday at 6 PM



1st Tuesday

Keystone Heights Historic Pavilion

2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday

Montgomery Conference Center

5th Thursday

Various Locations TBA



1st Thursday @ 7:30-9 AM

Hatch Realty

Terrific Kids

Melrose-Friday at 9 AM


Ochwilla- Thursday at 9:30 AM


KHES-Tuesday at 9:15 AM


McRae-Friday at 9 AM



Happy New Year

Writer's picture: Karen LakeKaren Lake

As I look back on 2019, the thing that jumps out at me is the amazing people I've had an opportunity to work beside this past year.

We've made great headway in planning our Keystone Heights High School Community Partnership School through the leadership of Director Tina Baker and our partner Principal Aaron McWilliams. We're continuing to build healthcare services with our provider partner, Azalea Health. The community partnership school model is a comprehensive approach for students to receive wrap-around services on site at the school. I'm thankful for School Board Member Tina Bullock who has been unwavering in her support of our schools.

We recently formed the Keystone SafetyNet Alliance, a sub group of the Clay SafetyNet Alliance. The reason we decided to organize a new group is because in the past, there have been private conversations about needing to fill in service gaps in south Clay County. Too, we wanted to create a clearing house so that groups wouldn't duplicate services provided by other groups. Keystone SafetyNet is meeting monthly to discuss ways to find solutions to the gaps which exist. We were overjoyed at the attendance at our first meeting in November. Our next meeting is Thursday, Jan. 9th at noon at Camp Immokalee in the dining hall. Lunch is provided. I am thankful for the leadership of Andre Van Heerden, co-directors Joanna Weldon and Carey Morford, camp director Allison Vining and Answers Director of Nursing Tiffany Sanders. These are amazing men and women who, prayerfully, understand how loving and investing in our community is the right thing to do.

Keystone SafetyNet Alliance

I think one of the things I am most proud our city council has done since I've been in office is create the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council. This year's council is outstanding and I cannot wait for all of us to support their project, The Longest Table, in spring. To Emma DeNunzio, Perla Alonzo, Wyatt Hopkins, Ashton Ludwig, Karli Jennings and Emily Stager - keep working. Many thanks to our staff, Mary Miller, Lynn Rutkowski and Scott Kornegay for providing leadership and support to our youth because my motto is, youth can lead.

I'm thankful for Jenn and John Cumbus and the youth group at Community Church for stepping up in June and painting our tables and benches at Keystone Beach in time for Our Country Day. It's a wonderful refresh for our residents and guests of the park.

To the residents of Patti and Dove streets. Thank you for the opportunity to listen to your concerns. I appreciate the trust you placed in me and our council to solve problems especially when solutions can be an uncomfortable change.

Dove Street

Last year, principals Aaron McWilliams and Melanie Sanders (KHHS and KHES, respectively) agreed to walk neighborhoods to celebrate students after each grading period. I am thankful they see these visits as being positive and impactful for our families. Thank you for your leadership. Our next walk is coming up in a couple of weeks. I am ready.

Thanks to the Robotics Teams at Keystone Heights and McRae Elementary Schools for including us in this year's Cityscape competition theme. Both teams came up with fantastic plans to help with issues at Keystone Beach and we look forward to implementing KHES's plans in the spring.

I have been welcomed at so many groups and organizations this year. It truly fills my heart with joy. I'll list those I can remember attending (think, senior moment, here):

The Senior Center

Senior Center


American Legion

The Woman's Club

The Garden Club

Mission of the Dirt Road

Mission of the Dirt Road

Kiwanis of the Lake Region

Save Our Lakes


Rotary Club of KH

Many thanks for what you all are doing in our community.

We celebrated two individuals through proclamation:

Leonard Jones, a long time business owner

Ken Brock and Pam, a veteran who walked across America

We've hosted events:

Embrace Community's Christmas in Unity

Boo on the Boulevard

Our Country Day and Parade

Veteran and Memorial Day services

Wreathes Across America

Kiwanis Keystone Heights Community Band

Meet Your Neighbor

KHHS Homecoming Parade

Kiwanis Christmas Parade

A big thank you to our city staff who engage our community o a daily bases. And a quick shout-out to the public works staff - who are recipients of photos I take when I find something that needs to be fixed. You all rock.

So, to all our neighbors, council members and friends: Thank you for helping make this a caring community. It takes all of us to make Keystone Heights the place we want it to be.

Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to 2020 and the start of a new decade.


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