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1st Tuesday @ 5:30 PM

2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursday at 7:30 AM

5th Thursday at 6 PM


1st Tuesday

Keystone Heights Historic Pavilion

2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday

Montgomery Conference Center

5th Thursday

Various Locations TBA


1st Thursday @ 7:30-9 AM

Hatch Realty

Terrific Kids

Melrose-Friday at 9 AM

Ochwilla- Thursday at 9:30 AM

KHES-Tuesday at 9:15 AM

McRae-Friday at 9 AM


End-of-Year Newsletter

Writer's picture: Karen LakeKaren Lake

As we wrap up a very productive and impactful year, I suggest pausing, for moment, and appreciate all we have done individually and collectively as a club. Some highlights (because an extensive list would be exhausting and beyond my memory capabilities):

  • We served four elementary schools with our Terrific Kids programs.

  • We continued with our downtown flag sponsorship program.

  • We sponsored two parades and participated in the Melrose parade.

  • We adopted and carried out a very successful Mission Claus season.

  • We learned how to make and sell funnel cakes out of Fred's concession trailer. (I still have homemade caramel in my fridge if someone wants to call dibs.)

  • We donated money, in-kind services and attended Wreaths Across America.

  • We identified and gave scholarships to graduating seniors at KHHS.

  • We hosted a successful golf tournament.

  • We sponsored a camper at Camp Boost and wrote a grant in support of the program for this year.

  • Every fourth Thursday, we donate items for the Trading Post at KHHS.

  • We hosted our community at Keystone Beach for the Easter Sunrise Service.

  • We made bowls and attended Empty Bowls in support of Lake Area Ministries.

  • We had a variety of programs at our meetings and learned about other organizations and services.

  • We caroled at Park of the Palms.

  • Members attended various DCM meetings and our club will be awarded high attenders for the district.

  • We've added new members to our membership base.

  • We recognize and acknowledge member activities every week and each month.

Whew. Just to reiterate, it's not a comprehensive list. It's a friendly reminder that we are very active in Keystone AND Melrose and will continue to grow our opportunities to serve all our kids.

As we talked this morning at our meeting, we know we can do some things better (and we will). But the truth is, we rocked 2023.

Onto 2024!



Emmanuel Project will be serving clients on Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024 from 5-7 PM. Fred is preparing Sloppy Joes and french fries for those being seen by EP or picking up food from LAM. Volunteers are needed to serve food.

Please contact Fred if you'd like to volunteer.

If you'd like more information about Emmanuel Project, here is their website: .


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Officers 2023-2024

International President


Colorado District

Florida Governor


Plant City

Foundation President

Dan Borba

Foundation Trustee

Tom Weller, Esq.

Lt. Governor, Division 4

Patricia Hatch



President 2023-2024

Tina S.

President Elect

Karen Lake





Directors 2023-2024

Tina B., Fred ends 9/30/2026

The Kyles'  ends 9/30/2024

Marilyn, Peyton ends 9/30/2025


Past President Tina S.

Website and Social Media -Jenn

Spiritual Aims-Mary Leigh


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