The June 2023 Kiwanian of the Month is John "Buff" Raimer. President Tina S. said she wanted to recognize Buff for initiating and coordinating the first miniature golf tournament. Buff acknowledged Todd's involvement as well as the rest of the club for its success.
Joey Knapp, a local resident and Alachua County firefighter, spoke to the club about starting a new fundraiser. He is proposing two fishing tournaments: a kayak and boat tournament. They will be independent of one another with the kayak being proposed to take place at Keystone Beach and the boat tournament will most likely be held on Santa Fe Lake.
With the Black Creek Water Resource project expected to be completed in two years, Joey said now is a good time to establish the tournament series and take advantage of the eco-tourism opportunities.
The club unanimously approved a motion by Mary Leigh to adopt both fundraisers.
A new committee was formed (Fred, Karen, Todd and Debbie - and anyone else who wants to come along) which will meet after a sponsorship letter is written and signed by Tina S. Joey will be leading the charge.
The date of the kayak event is Saturday, March 16, 2024.
Updates to follow.
Fred suggested the club think about hosting a past-member homecoming to stay in touch with club history. Tina S. will look at incorporating the idea into a meeting slot.
Tina S. announced she's bringing back this event and has cleared the date with Bill C. The event will be held Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023 at the Woman's Club. The time will be announced at a later date.
Just a man and his Chiavetti marinade. Fred recently volunteered with Karen, Patricia and Tina B. to cook for the Keystone Lake Region Business Association at the Woman's Club on June 8. Lunch was delicious (if I do say so, myself). This BBQ unit was handmade by the griller himself. (You'll have to ask him for details.) Thanks to everyone for their time, efforts and food.
Community Back to School event July 6 (5-8 PM) and July 7 (9 AM-Noon) RSVP's to Patricia
CLE training via Zoom June 6, 13, 15, 21 or 27 (7-9 PM). Required for new officers and directors. Patricia and Tina S. have email with the links. Future leaders are welcome.
Kiwanis International Convention June 22-24. Register online.
Kiwanis Florida District Convention August 17-20.
Still looking for a member to volunteer to be the next President.
Fred following up with Showcase to replace the Kiwanis sign on the Keystones outside of town.
Got a website preview from Jenn and Phil (webmaster).
Board approved $250 for a gift basket for the Florida Convention.