Dr. Bonnie White and her right-hand woman, Raley Moore shared with the club their presence and purpose in Keystone Heights introducing the Emmanuel Project this morning .
Dr. White retired as a pediatrician after 40 years in practice. Recently thereafter, she was called to the home of a friend to medically checkout two children - under the age of two - whom he had taken in because they were homeless and had never been seen by a doctor. From that encounter was born the Emmanuel Project.
Based in northeast Florida, the non-for-profit focuses on the medical care of homeless veterans and children and children who may be on Medicaid but for whatever reasons, cannot make it to a pediatrician. Dr. White described it as patients who aren't addressed through federally-funded programs or are living below the federal poverty line.
Dr. White said her goal is to teach families about health, nutrition, and stages of growth in children. Research shows that many long-term illnesses begin in childhood because of environmental stressors.
Presently, Emmanuel Project travels to Keystone Heights and sets up at Answers Health and Resource Facility on Commercial Circle once a month. Parents and children can make appointments and receive care.
Thank you, Peyton, for bringing these speakers to the club.
Members of the club (Todd and Debbie, Tina S. Fred and Tina B.) volunteered on President's Day to help Mission of the Dirt Road pick up trash and tires in Highridge Estates. Through a CDBG grant, Clay County delivered two dumpsters to Baylor Avenue. Fred said within an hour and a half of arriving on site, one dumpster was completely full of tires. Thanks to all who participated.
Todd shared information about the Young Children: Priority One program. It is an international program which focuses on children ages five years and younger. The website describes it as: Helping millions of children in many countries grow up without iodine deficiency disorders — and without the developmental disabilities that can result from them. We (Kiwanis International) have helped protect and save millions of lives from maternal and neonatal tetanus through The Eliminate Project. Tina B. mentioned our club has contributed to the program over the years.
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 (tonight) Answers Night of Prayer at 6:30 PM at Salvation Army Camp
Sunday, April 9, 2023 Kiwanis' Easter Sunrise Service at Keystone Beach
Saturday, April 15, 2023 Jr. Women's Club Spring Festival at the Woman's Club
Saturday, April 29, 2023 Jr. Women's Club Golf Tournament
Saturday, May 6, 2023 Kiwanis' Miniature Golf Tournament (more info to follow)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Kiwanis' Fourth of July Parade
The Kyles need new flags for President's Day. Tina B. will ask the veteran's groups for help. If not, the club will look at buying them.
The Fourth of July parade theme will be: Volunteers, the heart of the community
The Board budgeted and approve sponsoring one camper ($525) for BOOST Camp at Montgomery Camp this summer.
Fred will price supplies needed to sell funnel cakes for the miniature golf tournament.
Discussion about meeting dates and times settled on the following: the FIRST Tuesday of the month, the meeting will move to the pavilion at Keystone Beach (beginning May 2) from 5:30-6:30 PM. The SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH Thursdays will meet in the mornings at 7:30 AM at Montgomery Camp. The FIFTH Tuesday evening will be a SOCIAL, somewhere.
Tina B. will update the Kiwanis Scholarship application and make sure it gets to the right people. Preference will be placed on Key Club members but not exclusively.
Discussion continues on open board positions of which, there are three.