"Volunteers, the Heart of the Community" parade was a success. Thanks to all who organized the event, gave candy to parade goers, judged the parade entries AND endured the heat. It is such a joy to provide such wholesome entertainment on such an important day. Happy Birthday, America.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 has been identified as the Kick-Off for our joint SLC meeting.
Parade Theme for the Christmas Parade is "Keystone Heights and Christmas Lights.
Proposed 5th week meeting in September is a meal at Orange Blossoms with a round of miniature golf afterwards.
Marilyn proposed investigating the cost of buying fans rather than candy for future parades and events.
Budget Committee (Fred, Karen, Tina S. and Patricia) will work on 2023-2024 budget.
Patricia and Karen to work on a micro grant opportunity.
The subject of background checks for members working with youth was discussed. Per the Kiwanis International website:
Whomever is reported as a designated Kiwanis advisor to any sponsored Service Leadership Program (SLP) club. Kiwanis International’s SLPs are K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K International and Aktion Club.
If a faculty advisor only works with students on school premises for meetings and events, a school background check is sufficient. Advisors should have the Kiwanis Youth Protection Policy and adhere to either our standards or schools’ standards of conduct, whichever policy has the stricter guidance.
Faculty advisors will be required to have an approved background check through the Kiwanis vendor for overnight stays and SLP sponsored events off school premises. They will be required to take our chaperone training via Praesidium Inc. and annually review our Youth Protection Policies.
Background checks are valid for two years.
The cost is US$25 for advisors in the United States and the Caribbean (see instructions below for members outside the U.S. and the Caribbean). The cost of the background check can be paid by the individual, club or district.
Installation banquet date is Thursday, September 21, 2023.