So good, so good, so good.
We work hard to celebrate kids. Let's share some happiness.
Sharing love to Keera Kyle and Kaia Wright. Both of these recipients are well deserving of our love and financial support. Keera is family. Kaia is the (keystone) height of service leadership having led the Key Club as president for the past three years at KHHS. Tina S.'s remarks expanded upon their accomplishments based on their applications and we, proudly, support their futures.
Dana and Jenn work so hard for K-Kids over at Keystone Elementary. Based on donut sales and the Daddy-Daughter dance, they were able to give three $500 scholarships. Their scholarship recipients were Steven Dong (not present), Rachel Eatmon, and Kaitlyn Brown. (Remember, these kids have worked their way up from K-Kids to the high school). Teachers know them best.
Roy and his friends.
That's the story of the 1st Miniature Golf Tournament.
Just kidding. Thank you, John for leading an excellent first charge. We had a lot of fun and made money. You rock, too.
And because I write the news
Here is my granddaughter, Maelyn, with Fred.
He worked hard to in her over.